Knowledge Base
Cannabidiol (CBD)

How CBD Works to Heal Skin Wounds and Burns
The earliest reports on the medicinal use of the cannabis plant can be traced to as far back as 5000 years ago where it was used as part of ancient Chinese and Roman medicine in the treatment of tapeworm infections and wound healing. Although the mechanisms of action were not properly understood at that time, there was a clear indication that the cannabis plant can promote wound healing and skin health.

Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil – What is the difference?
Hemp Oil and CBD Oil are two terms you might come across when looking for the right CBD product that could mean the same thing or be completely different so it is important to understand them.
CBD (cannabidiol) is the therapeutic molecule found in cannabis that is so sought after right now. Pretty much all retail CBD is extracted from hemp plants which is the name given to cannabis strains with less than 0.3% THC.

Dosing Guide
How much CBD oil should I be taking? Check out our comprehensive guide on how much CBD oil you should take based on the condition and condition treated.

CBD oil for children
CBD oil has become very popular as a treatment for many conditions in children. Here we discuss the safety and how CBD is being used for children.

CBD Oil for Pain
One of the many benefits of CBD oil is pain relief and pain management. For many disorders that cause pain, patients are finding real relief by using natural CBD oil.
CBD oil is one of many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant but is emerging as the most therapeutic with a growing number of health benefits.

Is CBD Oil Good For Managing Depression
Depression is a significant mental health disorder for many people. It can cause anxiety, stress, negative thoughts and more, resulting in adverse health

CBD for Appetite Control and Weight Loss
Becoming somewhat of a miracle supplement, CBD Oil is finding fame in the medical world for just about any and every condition. From general wellbeing through to cancer treatment, CBD oil can be used in the widest variety of health and medical ways. It will come as no surprise that CBD oil is now being used for weight loss, with some very positive results.

CBD for Pets
All pets need to be properly taken care of. Those of us who have been lucky enough to have had pets since childhood had this drummed into by our parents. A pet is for life and the life of the pet has value, even purpose. Grooming, feeding, exercise and bathing are all part of pet ownership and of course providing a place the animal considers home is essential. However, as pet health has become more understood, mental issues and conditions in pets have been noted and have become something pet owners are becoming aware of. Because of this pet care has become even more important with more to take into consideration.

CBD Oil for Anxiety
Extracted from the cannabis plant or hemp, cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural and safe way to control anxiety and its symptoms. The known effects and benefits of this amazing natural product have been accepted for thousands of years and yet only recently have researchers started to put resources into understanding the science of it.

CBD Oil for Treating Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a chronic and serious mental disorder that causes people to interpret reality abnormally. It has a range of problems with behavior, thinking, and emotions.

CBD Oil for Managing Nausea
If you often suffer from nausea and want to avoid typical medication with side effects, give CBD oil a try. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant that alleviates many health problems.

Can CBD Help With Covid-19?
The global Covid-19 pandemic takes lives every day, so people are constantly looking for ways to treat it and boost their own immune system.

CBD Oil for managing Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disease that affects the central nervous system. It affects muscles and movement in middle aged and older people.

Does CBD Oil Show Up on a Drug Test
CBD is one of the most popular cannabis-derived products on the market; many people use it for various health and well-being reasons.

New Zealand Regulation of Cannabis-based Product
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many natural compounds found in the cannabis plant, classed as a cannabinoid. It has drawn the most attention recently as a key driver behind the legalisation of cannabis due to the growing amount of research into its potential application in human health and well-being.

CBD Oil for Managing Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases are some of the most challenging and complex disorders to treat in the medical world. With a wide variety of symptoms and sometimes with disorders running in parallel that further add to the complexity of treatment, any kind of natural remedy that actually works is often welcomed. Cannabidiol (CBD) has made its way in into a large number of autoimmune treatment protocols as a natural solution providing real results without the negative side effects of some typical treatment.

Can CBD Oil Improve Sleep?
If you have struggled to sleep and are one of a growing number of insomniacs then this will come as good news. With such busy lives and growing levels of stress, busy minds are what keep millions of people awake each and every night.

CBD Oil Side Effects
CBD Oil is a natural product that is proving to have many health benefits. At it is most commonly extracted from cannabis, there is no surprise that it has raised some eyebrows when it comes to its use. However, the cannabidiol (CBD) that constitutes the majority of CBD products on the shelf comes from hemp, containing no THC and even in huge amounts, will not give the user a stoned or high effect.

CBD and its Anti-psychotic Properties
The use of cannabis as medicine dates back to over 5000 years ago where it was used as part of ancient Chinese, Indian and Roman medicine for the treatment of battle wounds, epilepsy, tapeworm infections and more. Due to the psychoactive properties of cannabis-based products and the huge smear campaign against the plant, many governments around the world placed a ban on the use of the substance in the 1920s until recently where the policies have been revisited.

Can CBD Oil Reduce Acne?
CBD (Cannabidiol) belongs to a large group of plant-based chemicals (phytochemicals) present from the cannabis plant. In the cannabis plant CBD is typically the second most abundant compound by concentration after tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is highly psychoactive. The therapeutic activities of CBD have been utilised for a wide range of disease conditions including those affecting the skin, immune and musculoskeletal system.

Normalising Blood Pressure with CBD Oil
Cannabidiol has been scientifically proven to help the body in so many different ways. One extremely important benefit it may hold for some people is an ability to help normalise blood pressure. With so many people suffering from high blood pressure and the side effects of blood pressure medication, CBD may be an incredible alternative.

CBD Oil for Brain Health
A healthy brain is one of the essential factors of healthy living. We now live in a busy world with lots of toxins and carcinogens in the air, in the food we eat, the water we drink and the products we apply to our bodies.

Fighting Diabetes with CBD Oil
Diabetes can be described as a medical condition affecting the body’s inability to process glucose or normalize blood sugar. This is often brought about by the inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin needed for the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose. More than 100 million U.S

How CBD Oil can Help with Substance Abuse
Throughout the western world there is an increase in the use of mind-altering drugs and over-the-counter prescription opioid for the treatment of conditions which may end up affecting the brain long term or leading to substance abuse. These drugs, apart from suppressing the cause of symptoms in your body system, may also produce adverse side effects leading to addiction and tampered mental health.