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What Can CBD Oil Do For Arthritis?
Arthritis is a painful and uncomfortable disorder that many people suffer from; it causes painful inflammation of the joints, which causes deep discomfort and can lessen the quality of life.
There are countless prescribed and over the counter drugs developed to control inflammation and reduce pain, and some drugs can work. But unfortunately, some of these drugs often have side effects and, in many cases, diminish in effectiveness when taken for extended periods.
CBD is an ever-growing solution to many medical ailments, including arthritis. CBD is one of the primary cannabinoids from the cannabis plant (the other one is called THC) and works by targeting the receptors in the endocannabinoid system. CBD’s numbing effects help relieve arthritis pain and have far fewer side effects than alternative medication.
Read on for more on how CBD can help with arthritis, how it compares to other medication, what CBD products are available for arthritis, and more!

How Does CBD Oil Help WIth Arthritis?
CBD oil is 100% natural and is one of the oldest medicinal products known to man; it originates from the cannabis plant and works with the endocannabinoid system reacting with the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors.
In the brain, the CB1 receptor controls coordination, mood, thinking, memory and appetite; this is also where the high from THC occurs. The CB2 receptors work with the bodies immune system controlling inflammation and chronic pain; it is here that CBD begins to treat arthritis.
In treating arthritis, CBD oil triggers the CB2 receptors to produce and release more cannabinoids to attack bad cells in the body. Through this process, pain and inflammation throughout the body subside considerably.
Does CBD Oil Help With Arthritis Pain?
Cannabis forms are a highly effective treatment for chronic pain. Many drugs, including many arthritis medications, either contain a small amount of cannabis or copy the behaviour of cannabis or CBD.
Recreating the known properties of CBD and isolating them has been a significant part of drug research and development in the last few decades. Therefore, it should make sense that CBD oil (that does what the drugs try to copy) is the way forward.
Arthritis causes nasty joint paint and inflames and stiffens them significantly. It can make day to day life extremely painful and can be a huge hindrance for many people.
CBD helps relieve arthritis pain by targeting the endocannabinoid system and the cannabinoid receptors. Although it doesn’t make the joints less stiff, it will alleviate the joint pain felt from Arthritis.
While CBD can help with inflammatory arthritis effects such as chronic pain, there is no evidence suggesting that it will cure any long-term arthritis effects. Therefore, CBD is mainly in place to provide chronic pain relief to people with arthritis and improve their general quality of life.
CBD has none of the side effects of many drugs and is completely natural. Furthermore, many other health benefits come from taking CBD oil. So, why would you want a copy (a drug) if you can have the real thing?
How Does CBD Compare To Traditional Arthritis Medication?
For many people with arthritis, an effective natural treatment that steers them away from medical drugs is in hot demand.
Many medications that doctor’s use for arthritis, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, are effective but can include a host of side effects, including indigestion, drowsiness, various allergic reactions and, in rare cases, heart problems (potential heart failure).
After substantial research into this, scientists conclude that many herbs and concoctions effectively treat the discomfort. However, more recently, CBD oil has become one of the more promising natural treatments for arthritis.
Medical experts document that cannabis has been a highly effective treatment for arthritis, and despite being illegal and for some sufferers, this has been the last resort. However, the downside to conventional cannabis is that it creates a high, which is not something most people want.
CBD oil contains none of the THC that causes the high, yet the chemical still retains the drug’s anti-inflammatory properties. For this reason, CBD oil is growing in popularity as a treatment of arthritis, and evidence is beginning to show that it is an effective and natural treatment for many sufferers.

Is CBD Oil Better For Arthritis Than Other Medical Marijuana Products?
Although some people use recreational cannabis for arthritis, medical cannabis based medication also works and can operate similarly to CBD oil. They typically have lower levels of THC than recreational cannabis but have higher levels than CBD products.
Because of the slightly higher THC levels, the medicinal cannabis product can still cause a high, and thus is not desirable for many people compared to CBD oil.
If you want no THC effects at all, you can get CBD isolate products containing 0% THC.
Does CBD For Arthritis Have Any Side Effects Or Downsides?
While CBD oil doesn’t cause as many side effects as other prescribed medications, some side effects are still present. These side effects can include weight fluctuations, a reduction in appetite, diarrhea and general drowsiness.
Thankfully, these side effects rarely occur and are rarely a serious concern. It mainly depends on how much CBD your doctor prescribes for you. If you administer a higher dose of CBD, these side effects are more likely to occur. Also, if you eat meals high in fat, the CBD levels in your body can increase quicker and cause side effects.
While more effective CBD research still needs to be conducted, preliminary research suggests that taking CBD oil can negatively affect an enzyme in your body that supports your liver when it’s breaking down various toxins (cytochrome p450 complex). If CBD interferes with this enzyme, it could be a cause of liver toxicity.
CBD oil can also interfere with other medications, such as blood thinners. It can also affect people with arthritis who take other arthritis medications like tramadol and naproxen. Therefore, it is instrumental that you discuss CBD with your doctor to determine if you should take it.
What CBD Oil Arthritis Products Are Available In NZ?
There are multiple types and forms of CBD products to consider when acquiring the right CBD product for you. You need to consider the varying types and their different THC levels, as well as the forms of CBD you can take.
What Types Of CBD Are Available in New Zealand?
There are three differentiating types of CBD in New Zealand. These types are:
- Full-spectrum CBD oil is CBD with a small amount of THC included. Full-spectrum CBD will provide a small high that can help relieve some of the chronic pain felt with arthritis, but it isn’t for everyone.
- Broad Spectrum CBD oil has a tiny amount of THC included in the CBD products; the amount of THC is usually around 0.2%. Therefore, this is a better option if you want a high but don’t want it to overwhelm you.
- CBD Isolate products are CBD only, containing no THC. These will give you all of the medical benefits of CBD with any psychoactive effects.
Overall, CBD isolate is the best product to use to relieve arthritis symptoms, as THC can have a negative psychoactive effect on many people.

What Forms Of CBD Are Available To Use In New Zealand?
Unlike a lot of other medication, you can get CBD in numerous forms, which is ideal if you’re someone who doesn’t like the process of using CBD oil (holding it under the tongue for sixty seconds). Some of the most effective and beneficial forms of CBD available to you in New Zealand include:
- CBD oil is easily the most popular and widely obtainable form of CBD and has the highest range of doses. To take CBD oil, you must drop your prescribed dosage on the section of your mouth below your tongue, hold it for up to a whole minute, and swallow.
- CBD oral spray is one of the best alternatives to CBD oil if you don’t like the under-the-tongue method. To take a CBD oral spray, all you need to do is spray the correct dose in your mouth and swallow it down with water.
- CBD lozenges, tablets, gummies and other prescribed edible CBD products are good alternatives to liquid CBD and are helpful because the exact dosage of each item is on the box.
- A CBD vaporiser is a medically prescribed vape product that works very similar to an inhaler. It is the most effective method of moving the CBD all over your body.
- You can also get CBD topicals like creams, gel, and patches. These can be very useful for chronic pain like arthritis pain because you apply them directly to the part of your body where you feel pain.
How Do You Get CBD For Arthritis In New Zealand?
Currently, you can’t acquire CBD in a shop or on an online store, whether it be medical cannabis or recreational cannabis. The only way to legally buy a CBD product in New Zealand is to get a medical prescription for it from your doctor or a medical professional.
Your doctor will discuss what dosage of CBD you need and what CBD products they have readily available. If there is a CBD form or product you want that your doctor cannot immediately provide to you, they can get you an import as a special recommendation product.
Any form of recreational cannabis is currently illegal in New Zealand; only medical marijuana is legal to use.
If you have a medically prescribed CBD product that you want to take overseas, there are some hoops you need to jump through. First, you must have a physical copy of your CBD prescription letter, and your CBD product must be on your country entry forms, be in its original packaging, and be under a three month supply.

Conclusion: What Can CBD Do For Arthritis?
While CBD doesn’t act as a long term treatment for arthritis, it can provide chronic pain relief to people with arthritis.
Arthritis affects patients by causing joint pain. If you use CBD (a CBD topical would be excellent), you can target and numb the pain to the joints, which can provide you with a better quality of life.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can CBD Help With My Arthritis?
While CBD doesn’t act as a long term treatment for arthritis, it can provide chronic pain relief to people with arthritis.
Arthritis affects patients by causing joint pain. If you use CBD (a CBD topical would be excellent), you can target and numb the pain to the joints, which can provide you with a better quality of life.
Can CBD Help With Chronic Pain?
Not only does CBD help with arthritis pain, but it can also help to provide noticeable pain relief to pain caused by cancer, neurological diseases, Parkinson’s disease, etc.
It can also help with painful joint, back and neck pain because CBD affects the pain receptors by numbing them, reducing pain significantly.
If you experience chronic pain, you should discuss using CBD as a treatment with your doctor.
Can CBD Help With Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis is among many rheumatic diseases and is the most common type of arthritis (Osteoarthritis). It essentially wears down and degrades your joints over a long period, causing horrible pain.
CBD can help with the pain management of rheumatoid arthritis by numbing its pain and drastically improving the patients’ quality of life.
It can also help you sleep if RA is causing insomnia.
How Much CBD Do I Need To Take For Arthritis?
How much CBD you take for arthritis entirely depends on what your medical professional recommends for your diagnosis.
If you only feel minor arthritis pain, your doctor will give you a smaller dose and provide you with a large quantity if you have more damaging symptoms.
When you acquire your form of CBD, it will state what dosage it is on the packaging.
Does CBD Have Anti Inflammatory Properties To Combat Arthritis?
CBD is an anti-inflammatory and can reduce inflammation felt by people with arthritis.
Inflammation builds up in arthritis patients as they move because their joints will continue to stiffen. Reducing inflammation with CBD entails taking your prescribed dosage every day. If you take CBD for your inflammatory illness every day, you will soon feel the pain lessening.

Dr Ron Goedeke, specialises in alternative and functional medicine. He is a foundation member of the New Zealand college of Appearance medicine and has been a member of the American Academy of Anti-aging medicine since 1999. With over 20 years of experience in the anti-aging field, Dr Ron Goedeke is recognized as one of New Zealand’s leaders in this new and growing field of medicine.
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