How Can We Help?
How CBD Oil Can Help With Substance Abuse
How can CBD Oil assist people with substance abuse?
1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety:
2. Improved Nerve and Brain Health
3. Wide Range of Activity
CBD can serve as an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anticancer agents with little to side effects. These levels of activities make it an invaluable addition to the list of pharmaceuticals with a promising future. Its antioxidant activities also come in handy in neutralizing the harmful effect of free radicals thus reducing the rate of anxiety and chronic pain in the body.

Dr Ron Goedeke, specialises in alternative and functional medicine. He is a foundation member of the New Zealand college of Appearance medicine and has been a member of the American Academy of Anti-aging medicine since 1999. With over 20 years of experience in the anti-aging field, Dr Ron Goedeke is recognized as one of New Zealand’s leaders in this new and growing field of medicine.
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