How Can We Help?
New Zealand government now allowing hemp seeds for human consumption
This is a great step towards recognising the cannabis plant for its health benefits and acknowledging there is more to the plant than getting high. While hemp oil containing CBD still remains illegal, we should see growth in hemp production and hemp products as growers and producers can now properly market their products to the people of New Zealand. We’re now seeing more hemp products in shops and new hemp stores opening up like Hemp Wellness.
Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds
Extremely Nutritious
Hemp seeds contain over 30% fat, rich in linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3). More than 25% of the total calories from hemp seeds are from high quality protein.
They are a great source of vitamins and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin E and phosphorus. (1)
May Alleviate PMS Symptoms
May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
Great Source of Protein
May Aid Digestion
At the CBD Oil NZ team we're looking to provide you with up to date information on CBD in New Zealand regarding new research and regulation.
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Synthetic Cannabinoids
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