How Can We Help?
Where does CBD oil come from?
In New Zealand there are a few large hemp farms producing hemp seed oil and hemp protein but have to discard the extremely valuable CBD oil due to outdated, poor regulation and a misunderstanding about hemp at the government level. With no intoxicating effect and a host of well researched health benefits it is disappointing so much CBD oil has gone to waste in New Zealand but we are hopeful this will change soon.
At the CBD Oil NZ team we're looking to provide you with up to date information on CBD in New Zealand regarding new research and regulation.
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Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil – What is the difference?
Hemp Oil and CBD Oil are two terms you might come across when looking for the right CBD product that could mean the same thing or be completely different so it is important to understand them.
CBD (cannabidiol) is the therapeutic molecule found in cannabis that is so sought after right now. Pretty much all retail CBD is extracted from hemp plants which is the name given to cannabis strains with less than 0.3% THC.
CBD Oil for Pain
One of the many benefits of CBD oil is pain relief and pain management. For many disorders that cause pain, patients are finding real relief by using natural CBD oil.
CBD oil is one of many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant but is emerging as the most therapeutic with a growing number of health benefits.
CBD Oil for Anxiety
Extracted from the cannabis plant or hemp, cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural and safe way to control anxiety and its symptoms. The known effects and benefits of this amazing natural product have been accepted for thousands of years and yet only recently have researchers started to put resources into understanding the science of it.